The Coming Revolution
in Writing and Reading

Preliminary Script
Chapter V, The Mudoc Reference Substructures

Micromovie sequence:










At this point viewers will be presented with a number of words or word combinations.  The viewer can choose to have any or all of these words researched in a mock mudoc reference substructure.  When the viewer makes a selection, the word(s) will appear and will be accompanied by a checklist that shows the kinds of information provided about the word or word combination.  Included in the examples will be a variety of words that show the various features, characteristics, and idiosyncrasies of the language being used.

Below is an example showing the data that has been extracted from the mock mudoc reference substructure about the English word bow.


O  All available data about the word from the reference substructure

Ä pronunciation(s)    Ä grammatical function(s)      O etymology     

Ä definition(s)           Ä homophones                        Ä examples of use

O synonyms              O antonyms                             O miscellaneous data

O still pictorial data   O moving pictorial data          O audio-visual data

1bow / 'baú / vi 1 : to cease from competition or resistance : submit, yield <refusing to ~ to the inevitable – John O’Hara>, also to suffer defeat <~ed to the champion>  2 : to bend the head, body, or knee in reverence, submission or shame  3 : to incline the body or head in salutation or assent or to acknowledge applause ~ vt 1 : to cause to incline  2 : to incline (as the head) especially in respect or submission  3 : to crush with a heavy burden  4a : to express by bowing b : to usher in or out with a bow [homophone: bough]

2bow / 'baú / n : a bending of the head or body in respect, submission, assent, or salutation; also : a show of respect or submission [homophone: bough]

3bow / 'bO / n 1a : something bent into a simple curve : bend, arch  b : rainbow  2 : a weapon that is made of a strip of flexible material (as wood) with a cord connecting the two ends and holding the strip bent and that is used to propel an arrow  3 : archer   4a : a metal ring or loop forming a handle (as of a key)  b : a knot formed by doubling a ribbon or string into two or more loops 
c : bow tie  d : a frame for the lenses of eyeglasses; also : the sidepiece
of the frame passing over the ear  5a : a wooden rod with horsehairs stretched from end to end used in playing an instrument of the viol or violin family 
b :  a stroke of such a bow [homophone: beau]

4bow / 'bO / vi  1 : to bend into a curve  2 : to play a stringed instrument with a bow  ~ vt  1 : to cause to bend into a curve  2 : to play (a stringed instrument) with a bow [homophone: beau]

5bow / 'baú / n 1 : the forward part of a ship [homophone: bough]


   On to Chapter VI
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